This is Arduino compatible hardware that can control a single DC motor speed, direction, and brake using an RF remote control. The project is based on an ATMEGA328 microcontroller, H-Bridge DC motor driver chip LM18201, NRF24L01 RF module, 5V Regulator, 3.3V regulator and other components. This board can drive a DC Motor up to 24V DC with a load current up to 3A. Arduino pin configuration details are provided below, the user may write their own code and use this hardware. The ATMEGA328 is the heart of the project, the LMD18201 chip drives the motor, LM317-ADJ provides 5V to the microcontroller, LM1117 3.3V regulator power the 3.3V to NRF24L01.
Note 1: This project is compatible with our two RF transmitters published in past: Single Joystick Remote Control and Dual Joystick Remote over NRF24L01 RF link.Note 2: The project drives 12V to 24V DC motor with single supply 12V to 24V, LMD18201 can support higher voltage motor up to 48V, in case of 48V supply, remove VCC Jumper J2, apply 48V to CN3 for motor and apply 5V DC separately to CN1 for the microcontroller power.Note 3: It is advisable to use large size of heatsink on LMD18201 chip.Note 4: Close Jumper J1 and J2 for normal operations of 12V to 24V DC Motor Speed and Direction Control using Joystick remote transmitter.
Arduino Pins
LMD18201 Motor Driver Chip: PWM-Pin5>> Arduino Digital Pin D5, Direction-Pin3>>Arduino Digital Pin D6, Brake-Pin4>> Arduino Digital Pin 7NRF24L01 RF Module: GND>>GND, 3.3V>>3.3V Regulator, CE>> Arduino Digital Pin D9, CSN>> Arduino Digital Pin D10, MOSI>>Arduino Digital Pin D11, MISO>> Arduino Digital Pin D12, CSK>>Arduino Digital Pin D13
Arduino code is available as a download, it is a modified code from the original author Make sure RX code is uploaded to the ATMEGA328 chip, TX code is for transmitter chip, follow the link below to learn more about programming and bootloader burning to the ATMEGA328 microcontroller. Users will be able to run DC motor with speed and direction with help of our One Joystick NRF24L01 Transmitter or Dual Joystick Remote over NRF24L01 RF link.
Testing the Project
Connect the 12V to 24V DC Motor to MG1 (Motor connector), connect 12V To 24V power supply to CN3, Close Jumper J2 and Jumper J1, Switch on the power, switch on the ON Joystick NRF24L01 Transmitter, the motor should run with Joystick.
Operating Power Supply 12V to 24V DC (Also supports Higher Voltages Read Note 2)DC Motor Load up to 3AmpsLMD18201 Supports PWM Duty Cycle 0 to 100%LMD18201 Chip Supports Frequency up to 20Khz (With Example Code Frequency 900Hz)Motor Speed, Direction, Brake control using RF TransmitterD1 Power LEDPCB Dimensions 63.82 x 43.18 mm